
'Vacation' Day 1

SUMMER VACATION STARTS TODAY! Well, more like summer under-employment, but free time just the same! Unfortunately, Paul's off at summer camp until next weekend so I'll be spending the first week of freedom on my own.

When I was first dreaming of all this free time, I thought I'd go to the lake every day, but the weather seems intent on ruining those plans. So, instead I'll be working on some projects, and my first project  was trying to do something with my hair...

Looks like I had everything a girl could need: a comb, a brush, hairspray, bobby pins, youtube. But alas, my hair is just not meant to be teased, beehived, big, or fancy in any way. It just won't hold a tease. It collapses into a sad tangle no matter how hard I try to give it some height. If there's anything I've learned from crafting, though, it's to throw a bow on it when times get tough, and in that spirit hello new summer hairstyle!


  1. the bow works! i don't believe in un-teased hair. help me help you.
